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foraging behavior中文是什么意思

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  • 觅食行为


  • Consider the feeding and foraging behavior of chimpanzees and mountain gorillas
  • 9 . the foraging behavior of e . balteatus de geer larvae changes gradually at different aphid densities . when the aphid density changed from low to high , the
  • These differences were analyzed to show that the echolocation calls will change greatly so as to adapt to the different flying style , foraging behavior and habitats of bats . 3
  • In this paper , predation , starvation endurance ability , foraging behavior of e . balteatus and the effect of different aphides on its growth and development , have been studied . the main results are as follows : 1
  • In several studies , researchers correlated the amount of salmon - derived nitrogen or carbon directly with the movements of bears , providing further evidence that their foraging behavior is the mechanism that delivers the salmon nutrients to riparian plants
  • The paper present an in - depth analysis about existence possibility , orientation , degree , limits of water physiology integration of clonal plants and their relation to such behaviors as functional differentiation , phenotypic plasticity and foraging behavior and risk spreading , and systematically summarizes and comments on the latest research advances about water integration of clonal plants
  • The larvae fed by macrosiphum avenae ( f . ) , rhopalosiphum padi ( l . ) , myzus persicae ( sulzer ) and aphis citricola have not some difference on the larva weight , the pupa weight , growth and development . 6 . the most frequent sequence of the foraging behavior of e . balteatus is : searching ? capture ? consumption - cleansing - break - searching
    明确了麦长管蚜、禾谷缢管蚜rhopalosiphumpadi ( l ) 、烟蚜myzuspersicae和绣线菊蚜aphiscitricola对黑带食蚜蝇的生长发育无不良影响,是其较适合的食物;而甘蓝蚜brevicorynebrassicae饲喂的黑带食蚜蝇幼虫存活率低,常不能正常化蛹,是其不适宜的食物。
  • This paper firstly focused on and evaluated the pollination characteristics of c . praecox , in half - natural habitat of nanjing . we investigated flowering phenology , flowering patten , pollen viability , stigma receptibility , species of visitors , visiting rate of visitors and their foraging behavior . and we also investigated its breeding system , including pollen - ovule ratio ( p / 0 ) , out - crossing index ( oci ) , pollen grains deposited in stigmas , pollen germination rate and seed set rate with different treatments , from 2002 to 2004
    试验分别在2002 - 2003年和2003 - 2004年冬季进行,研究内容包括:花期物候观察、花部形态观察和统计、雌雄配子体功能测定、访问昆虫种类、访问行为、访花频率和效率;同时对蜡梅繁育系统进行了检测,检测内容包括花粉胚珠比( p / 0 ) 、杂交指数( oci )及不同处理花粉萌发率及结实率检测等等,同时还进行了蜡梅与亮叶蜡梅传粉过程比较。
  • Before the formation of leaves , the nutrition for the development of viviparous plantlet is supplied by its parent , which is a kind of typical foraging behavior . but as to parents , it is a kind of parental breeding behavior and altruism . when talking about heredity and fitness , such a kind of altruism is a sort of egoism too
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